Easy to Follow New Year’s Resolutions for a Happy Healthy Heart
At the end of the year, you may ask yourself which habits you want to take with you and which habits you want to leave behind. As you enter the new year, bring some resolutions for a healthy heart with you.
Heart Healthy Resolutions
- Cut out processed foods. Prepackaged and processed foods are full of high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, aspartame, and salt. 75% of salt in the diet of an average American comes from processed foods. A diet high in salt increases the risk of health concerns like high blood pressure.
- Eat more fiber. Fiber is vital for reducing the risk of heart disease. It is easy to add to your diet with whole grains. It is also a key to healthy weight management.
- Drink more water. Water is huge for a healthy heart. Ideally, drink eight glasses a day. When you drink water, you are less likely to drink unhealthy, sugary drinks such as soda.
- Eat more healthy fruits and vegetables throughout the day in place of junk food snacks. A good tip is to shop seasonally when foods are at their peak flavor and performance.
Remember, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. When making resolutions, keep them simple and realistic. Start your heart-healthy New Year resolutions early with an exam at Carolina Heart and Leg Center, P.A. The doctors will address concerns and guide you with heart-healthy choices.
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